Listen to 4,700+ classic audiobooks totally FREE on your iPhone/iPod/iPad.
Our app is really FREE. No limit! No download Caps!
+ 4,700+ free audiobooks.
+ Nice & clean UI with Book Cover.
+ Browse or Search for books by Author, Title, Genre, Recommended and more...
+ Stream audiobooks instantly or download audiobooks to your iPhone or iPod for offline listening.
+ Automatic bookmarking to keep track of your place in each chapter.
+ Timer to stop playing audiobooks, good function for listening audiobooks before sleeping.
+ Background playing, you can listen audiobooks and browse webs at the same time.
Some of books in our app:
- The Art of War
- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
- A Tale of Two Cities
- The Phantom of the Opera
- The Secret Garden
- Beowulf
- Dracular
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
- Treasure Islan
- Robinson Crusoe
- Peter Pan
- Gullivers Travels
... and many more.